Cheerleading is a sport with lots of speed and energy that is both stunts, tumbling and dancing. In a team there are different places, such as base (the one lifting) and flying (the one thrown up in the air) Everyone is equally important for the team and the routine to work.
Cheerleading is a team sport and it is therefore important that everyone show up at training.
All teams have a main coach and a number of help coaches, all of whom have been cheerleading for many years and they have different training programs.
Up to the competitions, additional training is planned for the teams to participate. This will be announced in good time. It is important that extra training is given priority.
During the season, the board and the coaches at each team organize a series of social (amusement / training) events to create teamwork and across team teams.
On regular training days the hall is only for coaches and athletes.
During the training, parents have the opportunity to stay in the adjacent rooms to the hall.
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